Baby Madeline || Idaho Newborn Photography


Madeline’s newborn session was incredible. I love being able to spend time with you and your sweet babe in my Idaho Falls studio. This session was no different, Madeline and her parents were so sweet. Seeing new parents love on their sweet new bundle of joy, is so precious. Madeline is such a doll and was so sweet to work with.

While we are working together to plan your newborn session, we’ll go through my different props, swaddles, headbands and so much more to ensure you get the exact look you envisioned. Madeline’s mom had a great idea for this session and it was stunning. She decided to incorporate a key item from their wedding day, her veil.


Using unique and personal items during a newborn session is such a great way to honor family and create an heirloom picture. Now, Madeline will be able to look back at these pictures when she’s planning her own wedding, and see the details of her mother’s veil.

I loved the idea so much, and it was an incredibly tender moment to be apart of for this sweet family. Newborn sessions are always a highlight in my week, and this session was nothing short of that. I love being apart of your memories and capturing those special moments and details for you.


Planning your own little babe’s newborn session? Let’s chat and make your vision come to life.


Sometimes, Two Is Better Than One


Aimee’s New Mom Must Haves